Keep attention! This is not a regular drag & drop installation livery so please read until the end!

*For this livery to work you must have the Captain Sim new C130H with modeled cockpit that can be purchased here

This livery is for the Israeli Air Force new advanced C130J (calls also 'Shimshon') of 103 Squadron Located in Nevatim AB.

The squadron is doing a lot of cool operations like to parachute infantry forces and humanitarian aid(as in Gaza on the previus months), transport soldiers from one base to another and other undercover and secret operations.

This livery is the most updated one of this aircraft and includes a fully translated to Hebrew animations page on cockpit, real life military charts of Nevatim Airbase at the navigator seat(behind the copilot seat) and realistic squadron logo sticker with the removal marks on it(When there are going undercover) as in real life.

Installation: Copy the 'texture.USAF820057' folder into: Your MSFS folder\Community\captainsim-aircraft-m133\SimObjects\Airplanes\CSC130H

Enjoy and stay tuned for further updates that will be on the future, I'm planning to add a fully hebrew translated cabin as in real life and more...