Fictional repaint for the "beekay-aircraft-a6m5-zero-kamikaze" for MSFS2020 - fictional "a6m5-zero-chinese" ... (let's imagine a kamikaze who decided to fly NW to Tibet and to not sacrifice himself ... and therefore a kind of pacific Zero ...)
IMPORTANT : You need to have purchased the payware original plane available at Justflight : included in the pack "Romantic Wings - Legendary Aircraft Pack 1 - A6M5 'Zero' and A6M-N 'Rufe'"

1. Unzip this repaint file "a6m5-zero-chinese" to a temporary location
2. Make a copy of "panel, " model",  "sound", " soudAI" folders of your purchased "beekay-aircraft-a6m5-zero-kamikaze" file into the "A6M5 Zero Chinese" file located inside a6m5-zero-chinese / SimObjects / Airplanes of the unzipped "a6m5-zero-chinese" 
3. Move the unzipped folder (therefore this is including at present the added folders copies in order to be flyable) to your Community folder in MSFS2020.
4. Apply auto_json.exe to update the layout of your new plane (new repaint) "a6m5-zero-chinese"

Have fun flying!

This repaint is released as FREEWARE.  You may use and modify it in any way you wish, but you may NOT use it in any kind of money-making endeavor, and you may NOT publicly distribute any copies of it, whether modified or not, without my permission. 

Jean Marc (jim007)
December 2021